Compartments management

Compartments management

This page describes how to use compartments feature in Axiodis and corresponding key points.


Manage compartments constraints for the system to be able to take into account different compartments for the vehicles (trucks, trailers) for delivering and/or collecting some products which can not be mixed in same compartments.   

Compartments features must be activated in the license to be used.

Data and constraints

Compartments management is available in the "Data and Constraints" module, "Transport resources / Vehicle typologies" screen :

Options on vehicle typologies are proposed about compartments definition (tab "Constraints") :

  • Compartmented vehicle : option to define if the typology use compartments or not
  • Compartments unit : option to define which unit must be considered for compartments definition (volume or weight)

Compartments definition can be done (tab "Compartmentalization") as follow:

1Loading / Unloading optionOption to define if the system must load/unload or not compartments in the order defined (compartment number)

Yes : The system must load/unload compartments in the order defined (compartment number)

No : The system can choose to load/unload compartments in a free order (compartment number)

2Possible ConfigurationsGrids to define different alternative configurations possible for the compartment definition.
  • Label : Configuration name (optional)
  • Floors : Numbers of floors for the configuration definition
  • Quantity capacity : Maximum capacity (in weight or volume depending on the option "Compartments unit" defined in the vehicle typology) for the configuration (calculated automatically and based on the sum of all compartments capacity)
  • Description : Configuration description (optional)
3Compartments of the configurationGrids to define configurations details about compartments definition.
  •  : Compartment number (automatic value defined by the system)
  • Type : Compartment type (a compartment with a fixed size or variable size, fixed size by default) 
  • Floors :  Floor number for the compartment
  • Maximal size : Maximal size for the compartment
  • Minimal size : Minimal size for the compartment
    • If fixed type, minimal size  = maximal size
    • If variable type, minimal size ≤ maximal size
  • Increment
    • If fixed type, not used
    • If variable type, increment to increase the size of the compartment (1 by default)
  • Coloration : Color to display on route if compartment content is lower than the threshold defined
  • Coloration Threshold : Threshold considered by the system to highlight routes with at least one compartment under the defined value (0 by default)
  • Use Threshold : Minimum threshold considered by the system to fulfill the compartment (0 by default)
  • Management rules : rules definition about compartment use 
    • None: none specific rule for the compartment
    • A single operation (default value): Only one operation is allowed in the compartment
    • Common packaging to operations: Only operations with the same packaging are allowed in the compartment
    • Identical products: Only operations with the same products are allowed in the compartment
4Products packaging admittedGrids to define products packaging allowed in the compartments and corresponding management rules.

List of products packaging allowed in the compartment and corresponding management rule for each packaging product :

  • None: none specific rule for the product's packaging 
  • Compartment management rule (default value) : Rule defined on the compartment is applied for the product's packaging
  • A single operation: Only one operation is allowed in the compartment for the product's packaging 
  • Common packaging to operations: Only operations with the same packaging are allowed in the compartment for the product's packaging 
  • Identical products: Only operations with the same products are allowed in the compartment for the product's packaging 

Calculation parameters

Compartments parameters are available in the "Data and Constraints" module, "Routes optimization profiles" screen :

Following calculation parameters are available (tab "Optimization settings") :

1405Sort order of configurations of compartmentalization of one resource

This parameter allows specifying the compartmentalization type that has to be checked on the whole trucks fleet.

0 - No sort

1 - Decreasing total capacity

1412Limitation on the number of associations operation-compartment tested during a compartmentalization controlSolving a problem subdivision with access to all the compartment is based on the enumeration of different possibilities to assign the operations on the compartments. This parameter specifies the maximum number of associations operation-compartment tested during a compartmentalization control on a route, this in order to reduce the calculation time.


1423Possibility to allocate an operation in several compartmentsThis parameter indicates if it is possible to divide operation into several compartments

0 - An operation must be placed entirely in a single compartment

1 - An operation can be placed on several compartments

Cockpits display

Compartmentalization result is available in different cockpits (planning, execution management) by displaying view "Route Content" in the menu "Perspectives / Windows" :

The view proposes 2 parts :

  • Graphical display of the resources used on the route (Trucks and/or Trailers) with compartments details and products included in each compartment
  • Grid with route content details about compartments, customers, transport operations, quantities, ...

Graphical display

Displays management is proposed to configure different options about compartmentalization display :

Display modeDefine the mode to display

Distribution by site : Display the content of the resources used on the route (Trucks and/or Trailers) with a repartition of quantities for each customer site of the route. 

Compartmentalization : Display the content of the resources used on the route (Trucks and/or Trailers) with compartments details and products included in each compartment.

Free space colorDefine the color used to display free space in the compartments
Filled space colorDefine the color used to display filled space in the compartments
Outline colorDefine the color used to display compartments outlines
Resources displayDefine display options about resources of the route

Resource display : Define the information to display on the top of the screen about resources used on the route (Trucks and/or Trailers) 

  • None: None information is displayed about resources
  • ID: Resources ID is displayed on the top of the screen
  • Label: Resources label  is displayed on the top of the screen
  • ID + Label: Resources ID and label is displayed on the top of the screen

Text color : Define the color used to display resources information

Text size : Define the size of the text used to display resources information

Products displayDefine display options about compartments products

Product display : Define the information to display on the content of each compartment

  • None: None information is displayed about products
  • ID: Product ID is displayed in the compartment
  • Label: Product label  is displayed in the compartment
  • ID + Label: Product ID and label is displayed in the compartment

Text color : Define the color used to display products information

Text size : Define the size of the text used to display products information

Compartments displayDefine display option about the compartments definition
  • None: None information is displayed about the compartment definition
  • Number: Display the number of the compartment
  • Label: Display the label of the compartment
  • Number + label: Display the number + label of the compartment
Occupation displayDefine display option about occupation information for each compartment
  • None : None information is displayed about compartment occupation
  • Percentage : Compartment occupation is displayed in percentage
  • Value : Compartment occupation is displayed in value
  • Percentage + value : Compartment occupation is displayed in percentage and value
Compartmentalization displayDefine option about routes step to consider to display the route compartmentalization
  • After first load: Route compartmentalization displayed corresponds to the route picture after first load sequence
  • Before first unload : Route compartmentalization displayed corresponds to the route picture before first unload sequence
  • Before selected sequence : Route compartmentalization displayed corresponds to the route picture before the selected sequence
  • After selected sequence : Route compartmentalization displayed corresponds to the route picture after the selected sequence
Grouping modeDefine grouping mode to use in the grids to display the compartmentalization details
  • None : None specific grouping option to display compartments details in the grid
  • By client site : Compartments details are displayed in the grid grouped by customer site
  • By compartment : Compartments details are displayed in the grid grouped by compartment
  • By operation : Compartments details are displayed in the grid grouped by operation
  • By product : Compartments details are displayed in the grid grouped by product

Grid about compartments details

OperationOperation ID and cut number if the operation has been splitted
Compartment numberNumber of the compartment in the truck and/or trailer
Client siteCustomer site for the transport operation to deliver or collect
Client site cityCity of the customer site
Client site addressAddress of the customer site
ProductProduct ID and label of the transport operation
WeightThe weight of the transport operation
VolumeThe volume of the transport operation
PackagingProduct ID and label of the product packaging
Date/hour of passageVisit date/hour of the customer to deliver or collect


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