Zoning management

Zoning management

This page describes how to use zoning feature in Axiodis and corresponding key points.


Manage logistics zones as logistics constraints for the system to be able to define areas of deliveries and/or collections activity for vehicles fleet

Zoning features must be activated in the license to be used.

Data and constraints

Logistics zones management is available in "Data and Constraints" module, "Logistic zones" screen :

Logistics zones attributes :

  • Priority : Level of priority for zones as following :
    • Primary area: zones are defined as primary zones (high priority, see calculation parameters below)
    • Secondary area: zones are defined as secondary zones (low priority, see calculation parameters below)
  • Path repository : Path repository definition
  • Color : Zones color for map display

Logistics zones definition : Logistics zones can be defined graphically on a map and/or by defining a list of logistics sites.

  • The graphical definition on a map can be defined with different options:
IconTypeDescriptionMap display example

PolygonOption to define a zone based on a polygon

CircleOption to define a zone based on a circle

Regions borders Option to define a zone based on regions borders (regions, departments, ...)

UrbanOption to define a zone based on urban borders (cities, ...)

RemovalOption to delete a selected zone

  • Logistics sites list can be defined by adding logistics sites in the grid

Transport resources linked to logistics zones : Trucks can be associated with logistics zones as follows:

Other options :


Option to see the list of logistics sites included in the selected zone

Option to duplicate an existing zone

Calculation parameters

Logistics zones parameters are available in the "Data and Constraints" module, "Routes optimization profiles" screen :

The global option is available to define how to manage zone control for the system (tab "Logistics functionalities") :

0No controlZoning is deactivated and not considered by the system
1Entire ControlZoning is activated and considered by the system according to the zones definitions (graphical zones and logistics sites list, trucks list)
2Control only for the first siteZoning is activated and considered by the system according to the zones definitions (graphical zones and logistics sites list, trucks list) but applying controls on logistics sites only for the first site on routes
3Control only for the last siteZoning is activated and considered by the system according to the zones definitions (graphical zones and logistics sites list, trucks list) but applying controls on logistics sites only for the last site on routes

Other calculation parameters are available (tab "Optimization settings") :

320Zoning management mode

By default trucks and customers are linked to the zone(s) defined in Axiodis. This parameter indicates the behavior of trucks and/or customers that are not affected to a zone

0 - trucks and customers not forced

1 - trucks forced, customers forced

2 - trucks not forced, customers forced

3 - trucks forced, customers not forced

325Zoning between operations of the same routeIndicated the rule to follow in operations zoning management of the same route on customers sites

0 - truck zoning respect only

1 - truck zoning respect and zone in common

326Secondary zones management modeIn the zoning definition, it is possible to assign a priority level (1: Priority zone 2: secondary zone). This parameter specifies the management mode of secondary zones in addition to the priority zones

0 - Secondary zones can be used during all the calculation

1 - Secondary zones areas not used

2 - Secondary zones can be used after the initial construction for the sites where we have rejected operations.

3 - Secondary zones can be used after the initial construction for all sites.

329Check zoning loading/unloading operationsThis parameter specifies if zoning should be verified only on pickup and delivery operations or also on loading / unload operations on the depots

0 - Pickup and delivery operations only.

1 - All operations

Cockpits display

Options about zones are available in the different cockpits (planning, execution management, economics management, ...) :

Grid : A dedicated grid is available to show zones defined in the system :

Maps options : Maps options are available to display zones defined in the system :

  • None: none logistics zones are displayed on the map
  • All: all logistics zones are displayed on the map
  • Selected zones: only logistics zones selected in the grid are displayed on the map


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