Transit management

Transit management

This page describes how to use Transit feature in Axiodis and corresponding key points.


Manage transit constraints for the system to be able to define automatically and/or manually which deliveries have to transited by a platform or have to be delivered directly to final logistics sites.

Transit route :

  • Delivery case: Turns from a point of origin (depot) to the cross-dock platform.
  • Collection case: Tour from one or more points of origin (usually logistics sites, suppliers, etc.) to the cross-dock platform.

Final route :

  • Delivery case: Tours from the cross-dock platform to one or more destination sites (usually logistics sites, stores, etc.).
  • Collection case: Tour from the cross-dock platform to a destination site (repository).

Transit features must be activated in the license to be used.

Data and constraints

Defining logistics sites as transit platforms is available in the "Data and Constraints" module, "Logistic sites / Logistic sites" screen :

Manage constraints in transit platforms is available in the "Data and Constraints" module, "Logistic sites / Transit platforms" screen :

For each transit platform, it's possible to define which logistics can be associated to apply a transit using corresponding options :

  •  : Add logistics sites to the current platform
  •  : Delete logistics sites from the current platform

1Logistics sites

List of the logistic sites for which concern by the current platform transit.

It is possible to assign logistics sites with one or several transit platform


Type of the transit: Imposed or allowed

  • Imposed: Transit by the platform is mandatory and the system will not be able to automatically propose another mode of transport (eg direct delivery of the site impossible).
  • Allowed: Transit by the platform is possible but not mandatory and the system can make an arbitrage to propose automatically the most suitable mode of transport (ex: direct delivery of the site or delivery with transit via the platform).
3Product families

Possible specialization of the transit on one or several families of product to carry out the transit

  • If none product family is defined for the transit platform, then it will be able to receive all products from the defined logistics site.
  • If one or more product families are defined for the transit platform, then it can only receive products from the product families defined for the logistics site.
4Weight maximal to transit

Quantities of weight in Axiodis: beyond this quantity, transit is no longer applied by the soler

For a mandatory transit from the current site to the current platform, if the total quantity UP to be delivered to this site, any product merged, is greater than this value, then the system does not make the transit yet mandatory, and will deliver directly.

It is enough that one of these 2 thresholds (volume/weight) is exceeded for that one cancels the obligatory transit.

5Volume maximal to transitIdem line 4 but applied for volume quantity
6Creation of final operation

When transit is applied to this transit platform, the system must create the final operation :

  • Transit platform → client site (delivery context)
  • Transit platform → depot site (collection context) 

If the option is checked, the system automatically creates the final operation.

If the option is not checked, the system does not create the final operation

7Minimum time limitThe minimum time is the minimum time to wait before the departure of the transit platform to the customer site (change of vehicle, unloading - loading ...) / deposit site
8Maximum time limitThe maximum time limit is the maximum time to wait before the departure of the transit platform to the customer site (change of vehicle, unloading - loading ...) / deposit site

Transit feature can be activated/deactivated in "Data and Constraints" module, "Optimization profiles / Routes optimization profiles" screen :

Planning module

Transit can be handled automatically by the system in a global calculation or manually by the user.

Automatic transit

During a routes optimization calculation (global calculation) :

  • The system (solver) checks the sites to be transited and based on the different criteria defined on the transit platforms :
    • Logistics sites whose transit is imposed on a platform,
    • Considering the possible product families for which transit have to be applied,
    • Considering the quantity thresholds (weight and/or volume) for which transit have to be applied based on the following rules :
      • The system (solver) accumulates the quantities (volumes and weights):
        • By customer site (see quantity threshold management independent of product families)
        • By type of activity: delivery and collection
        • By considering only unassigned operations and not the operations on routes
        • Not considering i.e. depot sites by cumulating quantities only per customer site and independently of deposit sites
        • By not considering the time period i.e. by cumulating the quantities on the calculation horizon
    •  ...

  • The system applies transit for corresponding operations and updates some attributes of the operations of the sites for which a transit must be applied:
    • Customer site of the operation,
    • Original customer site,
    • Dates of delivery at the earliest / latest on the customer site of operations
    •  ...
  • In case of a final operation is created (according to the option "Creation of the final operations" defined on the transit platform), the system creates a clone of the initial operation (final operation for delivery of the client site) by initializing the attributes of the clone operation from the original operation but updating some attributes.

Notes :

  • At the end of the global calculation, when an operation to be transported against the volumes could not be turned on by the computer, in this case, keep the transit applied and load the user to arbitrate then manually if he wants to apply the transit or not.
  • If the initial operation is not assigned on a route, the initial operation is not transited and the final operation is not created

Manual transit

Options to apply or cancel manually a transit can be applied to the following objects/levels:

  • Route: apply the transit (or cancel) globally on the route
  • Sequence: apply the transit (or cancel) globally on the sequence.
  • Operation: apply the transit (or cancel) on the operation.

To apply the transit, right click on the entities and select "Transit / Apply the transit" :

By default, the list only proposes the union of the imposed and/or possible platform sites for the client sites of the selected operation (s).

Examples :

  • If the site S1 has only the platform PF1 imposed then propose PF1
  • If the site S1 has the platforms PF1 and PF2 possible then propose PF1, PF2
  • If the site S1 has the platforms PF1 and PF2 possible and the platform PF3 imposed then propose PF1, PF2, PF3

If none platform is found, all platforms of the system are automatically proposed.

The option "Show all transit platforms" allow to display all platform defined in the system.

Some information on routes, sequences, and operations grids are available about transit :

  • Routes: Indicator to precise if the route has been transited or not (i.e. at least one operation has been transited)
  • Sequences: Indicator to precise if the sequence has been transited or not (i.e. at least one operation has been transited)
  • Operations :
    • Indicator to precise if the operation has been transited or not
    • Origin client site: client site origin to deliver before having applied the transit
    • Initial operation: ID of the initial operation (in case of creation of the final operation, links between operations transited).
    • Final operation: ID of the final operation (in case of creation of the final operation, links between operations transited).


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