/ Release Notes Release Notes

Here's an overview of all the new features embedded into Axiodis, since the previous major release

Components Releases



New features

  • Planning & Constraints







The system provides a Gantt chart with a global view of the routes 

In the planning module, the user can now see a Gantt chart of all the routes loaded in the routes view, according to the planned trucks used :

  • (availabilitiesandunavailabilities) of each resource (for instance each planned truck in the planning module, or each driver in the execution management module)
  • detail of the routes (sequences)

The system provides 2 toggle buttons on the top left of the Gantt view:

  • Toggle button 1: option to display or not the empty lines of the Gantt view
  • Toggle button 2: option to choose the resource dataset to compose the lines of the Gantt (resource view or resource from Gantt view horizon)

AD-1723Vertical Drag & Drop on the Gantt in the Planning moduleAs a simple way, the user can now drag on drop vertically a route from one planned truck to another one, to allocate this new planned to the route. In this case, the route can be temporally modified (postponed or anticipated), according to the existing routes already on this truck in the same timestamp.



Improvement of the splitting TO management

The splitting TO management has been improved, in order to:

  • let the solver cut the TO depending on the constraints, for instance when a TO is greater than the biggest vehicle
  • let the solver merge splited TO, for instance when two splited TO are on the same route or are not in route (rejected)
  • let Axiodis delete or add records within the TOs' grid, according to the feedback of the solver
The system considers new docks constraints for logistic sites during global optimization and interactive actions on routes

The system takes into account now docks constraints management defined on the logistic profiles for logistic sites as well for :

  • Global calculation for routes optimization
  • Interactive actions on routes
AD-3826The system provides a new option to group products on view of route content

The display of the content for each compartment is now adapted (no more duplicated information)

AD-3373The vehicle typology of the planned truck is also displayed within the routes view for each route

A new column "Truck typology" is now available within the grid of the routes, containing the vehicle typology used, giving better visibility on the built routes :

AD-3199The system provides a new option on the transit platform and logistic areas for the final operations

We add the possibility to specify a logistic area for the final operation when the transit feature is used, and when the final operation has to be created by the system when the transit is applied

AD-3265Improvements in transit featuresWhen the transit feature is used, a temporal relation between transited TO and its related final operation has been developed, in order to maintain routes temporal consistency.



New U-turn prohibition management within the trip optimization profiles

(warning) this option is enabled exclusively when using Route Planner with the system.

AD-4260Driving zones with manual speed profiles

(warning) this option is enabled exclusively when using SPP with the system.

Within the driving zones definitions, we can define manual speed profiles per time window on each day of the week. The aim is to penalize the usage of this geographical zone (all the roads inside this zone) during some time window of the days. The percentage represents the percentage of the nominal speed that will be used:

AD-4151Logistic zone profile for global calculation

Each logistic zone defined in the system can be linked to a profile :

Then, when running a global calculation, the user can select which of them to consider :

AD-4145A new operational report in planning module: the delivery planning

Here's an example of this report:

  • Execution management & Mobility

AD-3707Routes execution and display the time the truck waits before performing its activity

Linked with mobility, time realization for each activity or sequence can now be precise as following :

  • Total time : Total time of the sequence (from the arrival on site until the departure of a site)
  • Fixed time : Fixed time of the sequence (from the arrival on site until the beginning of the activity on site)
  • Proportional time : Proportional time of the sequence (from the beginning of the activity on site until the departure of site)

Give more visibility on routes execution and execution status (on time, late, anticipated, ...)

For the routes in progress, we now provide new indicators to give more visibility on their execution, especially for the next unrealized delivery/collection :

  • Route status: anticipated, on time, late, …
  • Time gap value (+/- HH:MM) for the next activity and based on last activity realized
  • ETA status detailed by deliveries/stores

AD-969Updates routes during its realization

Some adjustments and improvements have been made about routes updates during its realization especially concerning adding some transport operations or sequences when the route is in progress.

More details on How to manipulate TOs in execution management module on a route with logistic status "In progress" ?

AD-4147Logistic sites and geofencing radius

On each logistic sites, we can define a geofencing radius which allows the system to consider the resource arrived on the site as soon as its GPS coordinates are into this radius:

AD-182Gantt routes for execution module, based on drivers dataset

In the execution module, and according to the parameterization of the delay/advance status, the system displays in real-time the execution of each route with one allocated driver:

AD-4187Add new resource KPI for manual driver allocation

Each resource can be associated with a contract, giving some lower/upper bounds of route realization to be fulfilled:

Especially, the weekly cost is now displayed into the drivers' view, in order to help the user to choose the best one when he does a manual allocation.

These values will be considered on global MPR calculation, to try to provide a fair repartition of the driver regarding this weekly cost.

AD-1723Vertical drag & drop on the Gantt in the Execution module, to reallocate a driverAs a simple way, the user can now drag on drop vertically a route from one driver to another driver, to allocate this new driver to the route. In this case, there's no time modification of the route, but realisability controls are done to check if the driver can execute this route.
AD-3723Link with a mobility application, the system displays resources real availabilities on Gantt

Linked with the driver's attribute containing the information (see the file axio.metier.properties, value axio.metier.gantt.drivers.freeInfo.code), the real availability of the drivers is displayed in the header row:

AD-4173The system can display customized information on the tooltip for the Gantt component

Depending on parameters (see the file axio.metier.properties, values axio.metier.executionManagement.gantt.availabilityPeriod.tooltip.display and axio.metier.executionManagement.gantt.route.tooltip.display), the system can display some personalized tooltip when the mouse is over routes or driver availability:

AD-3719Display proposed routes from MPR calculation on Gantt for execution management

The result of MPR calculation, as a proposed driver, is now displayed filigree on the Gantt view:

AD-4542Resources KPI & Customization of the definition of a week

According to some business case, the definition of the horizon of a week (by default from Monday 0h to Sunday 12h PM) can be modified (See the file axio.metier.properties, value axio.metier.economique.beginningWeekShift)

  • Ergonomics & Productivity

AD-3735Integration of the TomTom geocoding API

TomTom geocoding API can be used now in AXIODIS for following cases :

  • Geocode logistic sites during import process (automatic or manual geocoding process)
  • Fuzzy search in Map display to search locations or addresses 

New deployment variables to define for TomTom API use :

  • File axio.metier.properties to define the TomTom key used to geocode from the map view (fuzzy search into the map view)
    • axio.metier.map.search.tomtomapi.key=
  • File axio.mws.properties to define the TomTom key used when geocoding logistic sites 
    • axio.mws.geocode.tomtomapi.key=
AD-3736Google geocoding API compliance with the new pricing model

Last Google geocoding API has been implemented in order to be compliant with the new pricing model and can be used now in AXIODIS for following cases :

  • Geocode logistic sites during import process (automatic or manual geocoding process)
  • Fuzzy search in Map display to search locations or addresses 



Dynamic itinerary calculation on map

From the map view, the user can calculate the itinerary (based on the default trip optimization profiles and its settings) from any point to any point, with facultative intermediate points.

Available options :

  • Itinerary from here : Define the starting point for the itinerary to calculate based on coordinates clicked on the map
  • Itinerary from here : Define the ending point for the itinerary to calculate based on coordinates clicked on the map
  • Center map : Center map on the current focus
  • Cancel itinerary : Cancel the itinerary calculated previously
  • Add destination : Add a destination point on the existing itinerary based on coordinates clicked on the map



Possibility to search and find a logistic site on the map
  • We now propose a logistic sites view / grid within the cockpits, with all the user allowed logistic sites from the system. Within this list, the user can search, filter and/or display in the map view the logistic sites he wants.

AD-3180Improve operations highlighting with new icons

Ergonomic adjustments on the highlighting TOs management:

AD-1896Improvements on the visualization of multi-colored itineraries and trackings

Add a new option on the displays profiles of the map view in order to improve the coloration of the routes, itineraries, and tracking :

Routes and its related planned itineraries:

Routes and its related tracking:

AD-3503New highlighted column Remaining capacity

In the routes grid, the two columns Remaining Capacity (Volume) and Remaining Capacity (Weight) are now highlighted as follows:

  • Green color when it remains capacity,
  • Red when the capacity is exceeded


API connector for the logistic sites

The new attributes (symbol, symbolColor, symbolSize) are now published on Axiodis connector for logistic sites (Site object).

AD-3638API connector for the drivers

Some new attributes have been published on Axiodis connector :

  • Object Conducteur

    • Add attribute resourcesAllocation : Boolean, Indicates that the driver can be used for resources allocation
    • Add attribute sizeRanges: List of size ranges constraints (list of objects sizeRange)

  • Object sizeRange
    • UID : technical Id. Axiodis
    • MinValue : Min value for the current size range. The value must be included in (1..99)
    • maxValue : Max value for the current size range. The value must be included in (1..99)
    • driverId : link to the object Conducteur
AD-4242API connector for the documents 

A new attribute documents has been added on the object Sequence, in order to attach all the object Document of a current sequence

AD-4322API Connector for the operationsImplementation of the attribute originalClientSite on the object Operation
AD-4157SOAP - Insert and Delete Values of Collections
AD-4198Adding HTML on the content of the e-mail
AD-3933SMS sending using Orange Rest API

Orange Business Sevices is migrating his SOAP API platform (v4) to a new REST API platform (v5) by the end of 2018.

The system has been improved to consider this new API

AD-4162Axio V5 synchronizationThe internal ETL (migration of data from V5 to V6) embedded within the system has been improved to be compliant with the latest used model of the V6 database.
AD-4166Adapt authorizations management for drivers calendars managementThe management of the calendars of the drivers has been improved considering new specific authorizations for calendars creation/modification.
  • Tactical


  • Economic management

AD-3430Automatic pre-invoice footer management
  • Creation of a newly dedicated tariff within the tariff basis for transport purchase

  • Automatic integration of this newly dedicated tariff into the pre-invoice footer

Fixed issues

Version Major [v-6.11]

Contact Maplink France for further details


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