/ Release Notes Release Notes

Components Releases


New features

  • Planning & Constraints

AD-154Gantt chart with a global view of the routes

In the planning module, the user can now see a Gantt chart of all the routes loaded in the routes view, and all the planned trucks loaded in the trucks view :

Docks constraints for logistic sites took into account during global optimization and interactive actions on routes

The system takes into account now docks constraints management defined on the logistic profiles for logistic sites as well for :

  • Global calculation for routes optimization
  • Interactive actions on routes
AD-3826Group products on view of route content

The display of the content for each compartment is now adapted (no more duplicated information)

AD-3373Vehicle typology displayed within the routes view

A new column "Truck typology" is now available within the grid of the routes, containing the vehicle typology used :

  • Execution management & Mobility

AD-3707Routes execution and display the time the truck waits before performing its activity

Linked with mobility, time realization for each activity or sequence can now be precised as following :

  • Total time : Total time of the sequence (from the arrival on site until the departure of site)
  • Fixed time : Fixed time of the sequence (from the arrival on site until the beginning of the activity on site)
  • Proportional time : Proportional time of the sequence (from the beginning of the activity on site until the departure of site)

Give more visibility on routes execution and execution status (on time, late, anticipated, ...)

For the routes in progress, we now provide new indicators to give more visibility on their execution, especially for the next unrealized delivery / collection :

  • Route status : anticipated, on time, late, …
  • Time gap value (+/- HH:MM) for next activity and based on last activity realized
  • ETA status detailed by deliveries / stores

AD-969Updates routes during its realization

Some adjustments and improvements have been made about routes updates during its realization especially concerning adding some transport operations or sequences when the route is in progress.

More details on /wiki/spaces/APT/pages/636059672

AD-3499Adjustments about views displayed and linked to the new mobile solutionSome adjustments have been made about mobility settings and screens in order to be compatible to the new mobile solution (previous settings not necessary anymore with the new mobility are now hidden)
  • Ergonomics & Productivity

AD-3735Integration of the TomTom geocoding API

TomTom geocoding API can be used now in AXIODIS for following cases :

  • Geocode logistic sites during import process (automatic or manual geocoding process)
  • Fuzzy search in Map display to search locations or addresses 

New deployment variables to define for TomTom API use :

  • File axio.metier.properties to define the TomTom key used to geocode from the map view (fuzzy search into the map view)
    • axio.metier.map.search.tomtomapi.key=
  • File axio.mws.properties to define the TomTom key used when geocoding logistic sites 
    • axio.mws.geocode.tomtomapi.key=
AD-3736Google geocoding API compliance with the new pricing model

Last Google geocoding API have been implemented in order to be compliant with the new pricing model and can be used now in AXIODIS for following cases :

  • Geocode logistic sites during import process (automatic or manual geocoding process)
  • Fuzzy search in Map display to search locations or addresses 



Dynamic itinerary calculation on map

From the map view, the user can calculate the itinerary (based on the default trip optimization profiles and its settings) from any point to any point, with facultative intermediate points.

Available options :

  • Itinerary from here : Define the starting point for the itinerary to calculate based on coordinates clicked on the map
  • Itinerary from here : Define the ending point for the itinerary to calculate based on coordinates clicked on the map
  • Center map : Center map on the current focus
  • Cancel itinerary : Cancel the itinerary calculated previously
  • Add destination : Add a destination point on the existing itinerary based on coordinates clicked on the map



Possibility to search and find a logistic site on the map
  • We now propose a logistic sites view / grif within the cockpits, with all the user allowed logistic sites from the system. Within this list, the user can search, filter and/or display in the map view the logistic sites he wants.


API connector for the logistic sites

The new attributes (symbol, symbolColor, symbolSize) are now published on Axiodis connector for logistic sites (Site object).

AD-3638API connector for the drivers

Some new attributes have been published on Axiodis connector :

  • Object Conducteur

    • Add attribute resourcesAllocation : Boolean, Indicates that the driver can be used for resources allocation
    • Add attribute sizeRanges: List of size ranges constraints (list of objects sizeRange)

  • Object sizeRange
    • UID : technical Id. Axiodis
    • MinValue : Min value for the current size range. The value must be included in (1..99)
    • maxValue : Max value for the current size range. The value must be included in (1..99)
    • driverId : link to the object Conducteur
AD-3503New highlighted column Remaining capacity

In the routes grid , the two columns Remaining Capacity (Volume) and Remaining Capacity (Weight) are now highlighted as following :

  • Green color when it remains capacity,
  • Red when the capacity is exceeded

Fixed issues


Contact Maplink France for further details


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