Notifications management

Notifications management

This page describes how to use Notifications management features in Axiodis and corresponding key points.


Notifications management are proposed in Axiodis to be able to define notifications to exchange between Axiodis back-office and Axiomobil with for instance :

  • Comments displayed on devices for drivers about routes execution
  • Questions/answers system displayed on devices for drivers about routes execution
  • Information that the driver could inform on the device and then send to back-office (Axiodis and/or 3rd system)
  • ...

  • Notifications features must be activated in the license to be used (Mobility features in the license).
  • Notifications can also be used with a 3rd mobility system

Data and constraints

Notifications management is available in the "Data and Constraints" module, "Mobility/Notifications" screen :

The grid propose all notifications defined in the system with 

  1. Description of the notification: type of answer, content, options, ...
  2. Triggers to execute the notification and display it in the device for Axiomobil


Notifications can be defined with the following attributes :

  • Type of answer :
Type of answerDescriptionExampleParameters (1)
1No answerMeans that the notification doesn't need a specific answer

2Multi answer

Means that the notification ask a question with a list of answers and the driver can select several answers

  • Next notification
  • Message after answer
  • Anomaly
  • Required
3Unique answerMeans that the notification ask a question with a list of answers and the driver can select only one answer

  • Next notification
  • Message after answer
  • Anomaly
4Free input

Means that the notification ask a question with a list of answers and the driver can select several answers and inform a free entry for each answer (not only select the answer)

  • Next notification
  • Message after answer
  • Anomaly
  • Required
5Yes / No

Means that the notification ask a question with only one answer for the driver Yes or No

  • Next notification
  • Message after answer
  • Anomaly
6List of "Yes / No" notificationsMeans that the notification ask a question with a list of answers of "Yes / No" type for the driver (list of answers for which the driver has to answer Yes or No)None

(1) Parameters

  • Next notification: option to execute automatically the notification defined if the answer is selected by the driver on the device for the current notification
  • Message after answer: option to define a message to display if the answer is selected by the driver on the device for the current notification
  • Anomaly: option to define the answer selected by the driver on the device for the current notification as an anomaly to be able then to add and display the notification in the "Business controls" view (to check and close the logistics process of routes)
  • Required: answer mandatory to be selected by the driver on the device for the current notification (if not, notification validation won't be allowed)

  • Required : Notification mandatory, it means that at least one answer must be selected for the notification (if not, notification validation won't be allowed)

  • Enable photography : Option to display picture button on notification screen (to be able to take for instance a picture linked to the notification)

  • Synthesis : Option to display a synthesis of the notifications answer made by the driver for the current notification before to validate it

  • Message after notification : option to define a message to display after notification validation


Triggers allow to define when notifications have to be displayed on devices for Axiomobil for the drivers :

Notifications can be displayed on devices for Axiomobil based on triggers and depending on the sequence activity of the route :

  • All activities
  • Delivery
  • Collection
  • Loading
  • Unloading
  • ...

Depending on the activity defined, the notification can be linked to a specific action from Axiomobil screen :

  • Activity start,
  • Activity canceled,
  • Activity end,
  • ...

"Position to show" attribute define if the notification will be proposed in Axiomobil screen for the current action defined before or after the action.

Execution management

In the Execution management module, a dedicated view "Notifications" can be displayed (Menu "Perspectives / Windows / Others", "Routes management" theme) to display all notifications linked to the routes :

1. Notifications grid

The grid display all notifications linked to the route and details (sequence, transport operation) :

NotificationsNotification ID/label and list of corresponding answers

Answers values for each notification and corresponding answers

Note: This value can be edited in the grid (for instance, in case of malfunction on devices for mobility, allows to a back-office user to inform and correct values if necessary as a degraded mode)


Object linked to the notification :

  • Route: the notification is linked and defined to the route
  • Sequence: the notification is linked and defined to the sequence
  • Operation: the notification is linked and defined to the transport operation
ActivityThe corresponding activity of the notification
Date / HourDate/hour of the value update (informed by the driver or Axiodis user)e
UserThe user of the value update (driver ID or Axiodis user)

2. Filters option

On filters management, an option is proposed to filter automatically notifications view according to the selected object in the cockpit :

  • If the option is not checked, the system displays all notifications linked to the route (as well as route level as sequences and operations level).
  • If the option is checked, the system displays notifications according to the selected level on a route :
    • Route: if none sequence or operation are selected on the current route, only notifications linked to the route are displayed (other notifications on sequences and operations level are not displayed)
    • Sequence: if one or several sequences are selected on the current route, only notifications linked to the current sequences are displayed (other notifications on routes and operations level are not displayed)
    • Operation: if one or several operations are selected on the current route, only notifications linked to the current operations are displayed (other notifications on routes and sequences level are not displayed)
