Installation procedure

Installation procedure

This page describes how to install Axiodis.

Setup download

  • Download the file to execute Axiodis Installation (ex : http://axiodis.axio-install-distribution-
  • Copy and unzip the file downloaded on the server(s) dedicated for Axiodis installation.
  • Click on "Setup.exe".

Default settings

  1. Choose the language to use for the installation
  2. Click on "OK"
  • French
  • English
  1. Click on "Next" to continue the installation, "Cancel" to cancel the installation

  1. Select the installation folder for Axiodis
  2. Click on "Back" to come back to the previous screen, "Next" to continue the installation, "Cancel" to cancel the installation

  1. Select the license file for Axiodis
  2. Click on "Back" to come back to the previous screen, "Next" to continue the installation, "Cancel" to cancel the installation

  1. Select the installation type for Axiodis
  2. Click on "Back" to come back to the previous screen, "Next" to continue the installation, "Cancel" to cancel the installation
  • Standard install : Propose by default only components to  deploy for a standard installation
  • Application server : Propose by default only components to deploy for an application server installation
  • Calculation server : Propose by default only components to deploy for a calculation server installation
  • All : Propose by default all components to deploy
  • Custom : No specific components proposed to deploy
  1. Define values to connect Axiodis database 
  2. Click on "Back" to come back to the previous screen, "Next" to continue the installation, "Cancel" to cancel the installation
  • Server name : Server name for the database
  • TCP Port : TCP port for the database
  • Type : Database type (SQL Server, Oracle, ...)
  • User name : User name connexion for the database
  • Password : Password connexion for the database
  • Database : Database Schema

  1. Define values to connect Axiomobil database (optional)
  2. Click on "Back" to come back to the previous screen, "Next" to continue the installation, "Cancel" to cancel the installation
  • Server name : Server name for the database
  • TCP Port : TCP port for the database
  • Type : Database type (SQL Server, Oracle, ...)
  • User name : User name connexion for the database
  • Password : Password connexion for the database
  • Database : Database Schema
  1. Define values to connect Axiodis v5 database (optional)
  2. Click on "Back" to come back to the previous screen, "Next" to continue the installation, "Cancel" to cancel the installation

  1. Define values for Axiodis services
  2. Click on "Back" to come back to the previous screen, "Next" to continue the installation, "Cancel" to cancel the installation
  • Windows service name : Windows service name for the Tomcat instance
  • Server name : Server name for the Axiodis installation (URL access for Axiodis)

Security settings

  1. Define values about security settings for Axiodis
  2. Click on "Back" to come back to the previous screen, "Next" to continue the installation, "Cancel" to cancel the installation
  • Directory type : Directory type for users management (Axiodis local database or connected to customer LDAP)
  • Password security level :
    • None: None security activated for the users' password
    • Standard: standard security level activated for users password (needs at least 3 of the following items: numbers, lowercase characters, uppercase characters, specific characters)
  • Use a password expiration : Option to indicate if an expiration period must be applied on users password
  • Password expiration term (d) : Option to define the number of days for the password validity before to expire
  • Password expiration alert (d) : Option to define the number of days to alert before the password expiration

General settings

  1. Click on "Back" to come back to the previous screen, "Next" to continue the installation, "Cancel" to cancel the installation
  • Generalities :
    • Distance accuracy : Define the distance precision to use (meters, hectometers, kilometers)
    • Time accuracy : Define the time precision to use (seconds, minutes)
    • Timeslot belonging day : Define the start of the day to consider (beginning, end)
    • Trailer management mode : Define the trailer management mode (standard, dynamics)
  • Execution management :
    • Route enchainment : Define if the route enchainment is activated on execution management module (Yes, No)
    • Max route time (d)  : Define the time max (in days) to consider for routes enchainment management in execution module
    • Occupation dock : Define if the occupation dock management is activated on the execution management module (Yes, No)
  • Economics management :
    • Default VAT rate : Define the default VAT rate to use for costs and prices
    • Number of decimals of the entered rates  : Define  the number of decimals to use for costs and prices definition
    • Number of decimals of the calculated amounts  : Define  the number of decimals to use for costs and prices calculations and restitution
  • Resources allocation (MPR) :
    • Allowed offset by route (m) : Define the offset time in minutes allowed on routes to consider for the resource allocation calculation
    • Beginning calculation mode  : Define the beginning calculation mode to consider for routes (Real hour of the route, loading hour of the route, ID hour of the route)
    • Shift loading : Define the shift loading time in minutes to consider for the resource allocation calculation
  • Cartography :
    • Framework provider : Define the map provider (OpenLayers, GoogleMaps)
    • Framework key  : Define the key provider depending on the map provider
    • Background map view : Define the background map view depending on the map provider
    • WMS service URL : Define the WMS service URL depending on the map provider

Migration settings (v5 to v6)


  1. Define values about Migration settings for Axiodis (optional)
  2. Click on "Back" to come back to the previous screen, "Next" to continue the installation, "Cancel" to cancel the installation
  • Time zone : Define the timezone to use for migrating data
  • Synchronize the inactive data : Define if inactive data must be migrated
  • Invalidate the mail address : Define if mail addresses must be invalidated (by adding specific prefix)
  • Distances and times between sites : Define the label to consider for distances and times between sites management
  • Distances and times single journey : Define the label to consider for distances and times single journey sites management
  • Invoicing practices "single site": Define the label to consider for invoicing practices "single site" management
  • Invoicing practices "Multi-sites" : Define the label to consider for invoicing practices "Multi-sites" management
  • Conversion factor unit of volume : Define the factor to use to convert volume quantities from v5 to v6
  • Conversion factor unit of weight: Define the factor to use to convert weight quantities from v5 to v6
  • Conversion factor unit of handling : Define the factor to use to convert handling quantities from v5 to v6
  • Plateformes_Transit : Define the mode of transit to use to migrate transit data from v5 to v6 (Axiodis or Axiotrans transit definition)
  • V5 database schema : Define the v5 database schema
  • v5 database prefix : Define the v5 database prefix

MWS settings


  1. Define values about MWS settings (folders parameters) for Axiodis
  2. Click on "Back" to come back to the previous screen, "Next" to continue the installation, "Cancel" to cancel the installation
  • Profile directory : Folder for optimizations profiles deployment
  • Map repository directory : Folder for map repository deployment
  • Distance matrix directory : Folder for distance matrix deployment
  1. Define values about MWS settings (general parameters) for Axiodis
  2. Click on "Back" to come back to the previous screen, "Next" to continue the installation, "Cancel" to cancel the installation
  • Calculations :
    • Temporal maille of flows (days) : Define the temporal maille of flow in days for the calculation
    • Definition of the beginning of the day : Define the beginning of the day for the calculation
    • Definition of the end of the day : Define the end of the day for the calculation
    • Duration of a day (minutes) : Define the duration of a day in minutes for the calculation
  • Cartography provider :
    • Geocoding provider  : Define the provider to use for geocoding feature (Bemap, Maplink, Google)
    • Reverse Geocoding provider  : Define the provider to use for reverse geocoding feature (Bemap, Maplink, Google)
    • URL Bemap : Define the url for Bemap geocoding API
    • User Bemap : Define the user name for Bemap geocoding API
    • Password Bemap : Define the password for Bemap geocoding API
    • URL Maplink : Define the URL for Maplink geocoding API
    • Maplink Application code : Define the application code for Mapkink geocoding API
    • Maplink key : Define the key for Mapkink geocoding API
    • Google API key : Define the key for Google geocoding API

MIA settings

  1. Define values about MIA settings (folders parameters) for Axiodis
  2. Click on "Back" to come back to the previous screen, "Next" to continue the installation, "Cancel" to cancel the installation
  • Streams directory : Folder for streams deployment
  • Logs repository directory : Folder for logs repository deployment
  1. Define values about MIA settings (logs parameters) for Axiodis
  2. Click on "Back" to come back to the previous screen, "Next" to continue the installation, "Cancel" to cancel the installation
  • "TRACE" logs retention time (days) : time (days) to keep logs files for "Trace" level
  • "INFO" logs retention time (days) : time (days) to keep logs files for "Info" level
  • "WARN" logs retention time (days) : time (days) to keep logs files for "Warn" level
  • "ERROR" logs retention time (days) : time (days) to keep logs files for "Error" level

Mailings settings

  1. Define values about mailings settings for Axiodis
  2. Click on "Back" to come back to the previous screen, "Next" to continue the installation, "Cancel" to cancel the installation
  • Host : Hostname for mailing access
  • User : the User name for mailing access
  • Password : the User password for mailing access

Apache settings


  1. Define values about Apache settings for Axiodis
  2. Click on "Back" to come back to the previous screen, "Next" to continue the installation, "Cancel" to cancel the installation
  • Server name : Server name for Apache
  • Windows service name : Windows service name for the Apache instance

Mobile settings


  1. Define values about mobility settings for Axiodis
  2. Click on "Back" to come back to the previous screen, "Next" to continue the installation, "Cancel" to cancel the installation
  • Protocol : FTP protocol
  • Server : Server name for FTP access
  • Port : Port for FTP access
  • User : the User name for FTP access
  • Password : Password for FTP access

Customer logo settings

  1. Select the picture for logo customer to display in Axiodis (welcome page, reports, ...)
  2. Click on "Back" to come back to the previous screen, "Next" to continue the installation, "Cancel" to cancel the installation

Installation confirmation

  1. Click on "Back" to come back to the previous screen, "Install" to confirm the installation, "Cancel" to cancel the installation


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