This page describes how to install Axiodis.
Picture | Action | Values |
| - Choose the language to use for installation
- Click on "OK"
| |
| - Click on "Next" to continue the installation, "Cancel" to cancel the installation
| - Select the installation folder for Axiodis
- Click on "Back" to come back to the previous screen, "Next" to continue the installation, "Cancel" to cancel the installation
| - Select the licence file for Axiodis
- Click on "Back" to come back to the previous screen, "Next" to continue the installation, "Cancel" to cancel the installation
| - Select the installation type for Axiodis
- Click on "Back" to come back to the previous screen, "Next" to continue the installation, "Cancel" to cancel the installation
| - Standard install : Propose by default only components to deploy for a standard installation
- Application server : Propose by default only components to deploy for a application server installation
- Calculation server : Propose by default only components to deploy for a calculation server installation
- All : Propose by default all components to deploy
- Custom : No specific components proposed to deploy
| - Define values to connect Axiodis database
- Click on "Back" to come back to the previous screen, "Next" to continue the installation, "Cancel" to cancel the installation
| - Server name : Server name for the database
- TCP Port : TCP port for the database
- Type : Database type (SQL Server, Oracle, ...)
- User name : User name connexion for the database
- Password : Password connexion for the database
- Database : Database schema
Image Added
| - Define values to connect Axiomobil database (optional)
- Click on "Back" to come back to the previous screen, "Next" to continue the installation, "Cancel" to cancel the installation
| - Server name : Server name for the database
- TCP Port : TCP port for the database
- Type : Database type (SQL Server, Oracle, ...)
- User name : User name connexion for the database
- Password : Password connexion for the database
- Database : Database schema
Image Added | - Define values to connect Axiodis v5 database (optional)
- Click on "Back" to come back to the previous screen, "Next" to continue the installation, "Cancel" to cancel the installation
| - Define values to Tomcat instance for Axiodis services
- Click on "Back" to come back to the previous screen, "Next" to continue the installation, "Cancel" to cancel the installation
| - Windows service name : Windows service name for the Tomcat instance
- Server name : Server name for the Axiodis installation (url access for Axiodis)
Picture | Action | Values |
| - Click on "Back" to come back to the previous screen, "Next" to continue the installation, "Cancel" to cancel the installation
| - Generalities :
- Distance accuracy : Define the distance precision to use (meters, hectometers, kilometers)
- Time accuracy : Define the time precision to use (seconds, minutes)
- Timeslot belonging day : Define the start of the day to consider (beginning, end)
- Trailer management mode : Define the trailer management mode (standard, dynamics)
- Execution management :
- Route enchainment : Define if the route enchainment is activated on execution management module (Yes, No)
- Max route time (d) : Define the time max (in days) to consider for routes enchainment management in execution module
- Occupation dock : Define if the occupation dock management is activated on execution management module (Yes, No)
- Economics management :
- Default VAT rate : Define the default VAT rate to use for costs and prices
- Number of decimals of the entered rates : Define the number of decimals to use for costs and prices definition
- Number of decimals of the calculated amonts : Define the number of decimals to use for costs and prices calculations and restitutions
- Ressources allocation (MPR) :
- Allowed offset by route (m) : Define the offset time in minutes allowed on routes to consider for the ressource allocation calculation
- Beginning calculation mode : Define the beginning calculation mode to consider for routes (Real hour of the route, loading hour of the route, ID hour of the route)
- Shift loading : Define the shift loading time in minutes to consider for the ressource allocation calculation
- Cartography :
- Framework provider : Define the map provider (OpenLayers, GoogleMaps)
- Framework key : Define the key provider depending on the map provider
- Background map view : Define the background map view depending on the map provider
- WMS service URL : Define the WMS service URL depending on the map provider
Migration settings
Picture | Action | Values |
Image Added
| - Define values about Migration settings for Axiodis (optional)
- Click on "Back" to come back to the previous screen, "Next" to continue the installation, "Cancel" to cancel the installation
| - Profile directory : Folder for optimizations profiles deployment
- Map repository directory : Folder for map repository deployment
- Distance matrix directory : Folder for distance matrix deployment
MWS settings
Picture | Action | Values |
Image Modified
| - Define values about MWS settings (folders parameters) for Axiodis
- Click on "Back" to come back to the previous screen, "Next" to continue the installation, "Cancel" to cancel the installation
| - Profile directory : Folder for optimizations profiles deployment
- Map repository directory : Folder for map repository deployment
- Distance matrix directory : Folder for distance matrix deployment
Image Added | - Define values about MWS settings (general parameters) for Axiodis
- Click on "Back" to come back to the previous screen, "Next" to continue the installation, "Cancel" to cancel the installation
| - Calculations :
- Temporal malle of flows (days) :
- Definition of the beginning of the day :
- Definition of the end of the day :
- Duration of a day (minutes) :
- Cartography provider :
- Geocoding provider :
- Reverse Geocoding provider :
- URL Bemap :
- User Bemap :
- Password Bemap :
- URL Maplink :
- Maplink Application code :
- Maplink key :
- Google API key :
MIA settings
Picture | Action | Values |
| - Define values about MIA settings (folders parameters) for Axiodis
- Click on "Back" to come back to the previous screen, "Next" to continue the installation, "Cancel" to cancel the installation
| - Streams directory : Folder for streams deployment
- Logs repository directory : Folder for logs repository deployment
| - Define values about MIA settings (logs parameters) for Axiodis
- Click on "Back" to come back to the previous screen, "Next" to continue the installation, "Cancel" to cancel the installation
| - "TRACE" logs retention time (days) : time (days) to keep logs files for "Trace" level
- "INFO" logs retention time (days) : time (days) to keep logs files for "Info" level
- "WARN" logs retention time (days) : time (days) to keep logs files for "Warn" level
- "ERROR" logs retention time (days) : time (days) to keep logs files for "Error" level
Picture | Action | Values |
| - Define values about mailings settings for Axiodis
- Click on "Back" to come back to the previous screen, "Next" to continue the installation, "Cancel" to cancel the installation
| - Host : Host name for mailing access
- User : User name for mailing access
- Password : User password for mailing access
Apache settings
Picture | Action | Values |
Image Added
| - Define values about Apache settings for Axiodis
- Click on "Back" to come back to the previous screen, "Next" to continue the installation, "Cancel" to cancel the installation
| - Server name : Server name for Apache
- Windows service name : Windows service name for the Apache instance
Mobile settings
Picture | Action | Values |
Image Added
| - Define values about mobility settings for Axiodis
- Click on "Back" to come back to the previous screen, "Next" to continue the installation, "Cancel" to cancel the installation
| - Protocol : FTP protocol
- Server : Server name for FTP access
- Port : Port for FTP access
- User : User name for FTP access
- Password : Password for FTP access
Customer logo settings
Picture | Action |
| - Select the picture for logo customer to display in Axiodis (welcome page, reports, ...)
- Click on "Back" to come back to the previous screen, "Next" to continue the installation, "Cancel" to cancel the installation
Picture | Action |
| - Click on "Back" to come back to the previous screen, "Install" to confirm the installation, "Cancel" to cancel the installation