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This page describes how to build new reports in Reporting module for Axiodis and/or customize the existing reportreports.

Table of Contents

Datawarehouse Data warehouse content


Axiodis datawarehouse data warehouse propose by default following tables and corresponding data which can be used to create reports :

IC_D_DRIVERDimension table about driversDimension
IC_D_LOGISTIC_AREADimension table about logistics areasDimension
IC_D_OPERATIONDimension table about transport operationsDimension
IC_D_PRODUCTDimension table about productsDimension
IC_D_PROVIDERDimension table about providersDimension
IC_D_ROUTEDimension table about routesDimension
IC_D_SEQUENCEDimension table about sequencesDimension
IC_D_SITEDimension table about sitesDimension
IC_D_TRAILERDimension table about trailersDimension
IC_D_TRUCKDimension table about trucksDimension
IC_M_OPERATIONMeasure table about transport operationsMeasure
IC_M_ROUTEMeasure table about routesMeasure
IC_M_SEQUENCEMeasure table about sequencesMeasure
IC_D_ROUTE_INVOLVED_PROVIDERS Dimension table to store all the involved providers fo the routesDimension
IC_D_ROUTE_VALORIZED_PROVIDERSDimension table to store all the valorized providers of the routesDimension


For further informations information and more details about Axiodis datawarehouse data warehouse content, click here to see the document about the datawarehouse descriptioncontact Maplink.

Existing dataset and their parameters


  • First, you have to log into Axiodis with an authorized user (Authorization Reporting - Functionality by default - Creation within the authorization profile used).
  • Then launch the SpagoBI Reporting module 


  • Open Documents development


  • Edit the report to add the definition of the parameters definition

  • Create the document analytical driver


  • Confirm and save the report.
  • You can now define parameters (Start date, End date, and logistic areas), and click on Execute


All the existing reports (delivered by Maplink or developed by yourself) are customizable. You can edit them, add a widget, edit and/or delete the widget. You also can duplicate them.


(warning) Be careful to define all the fields metadata, ATTRIBUTE or MEASURE, according to what you want to do with this new dataset.

How to update the datawarehouse database and MIA streams if necessary


In some cases, maybe you'll need to have more information into the current datawarehousedata warehouse. In that case, you'll need to follow the two steps:

  • Upgrade the datawarehouse SQL database, in order to create new tables and/or new attributes on existing tables
  • Then upgrade the MIA streams, or create new ones, in order to populate the datawarehousedata warehouse