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This page describes how to use Simulation environments in Axiodis and corresponding key points.


  • If the current environment is the operational environment, then the system shows all the module according to the license,
  • If the current environment is a simulation environment, then the system shows only Data & Constraints and Planning modules,


Simulation environments management must be activated in the license to be used

WEB portal


Once the user is connected, a new combo-box is available within the WEB portal. This combo-box contains all the simulation environments allowed to the current user.


  • to delete a simulation environment in which a user is connected
  • to remove the authorization from one environment for a connected user on which he is connected

Duplication of environment


The system allows the user to duplicate a selected environment. In this case, all the data and constraints (see below) are duplicated from the source environment to the destination environment, but some options (timeline horizon, logistic areas) are available in order to consider or not the operations and the routes.

Duplication options

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Definition horizon

The user has to choose the horizon for the operations and the routes. This horizon can be Fixed time horizon or sliding time horizon (days, weeks, months or years).

Logistic areas

The user has to choose the logistic areas to consider for this duplication.

Transport operations

A checkbox allows the user to indicate to the system to duplicate or not the operations, considering the above timeline horizon and logistic areas.


A checkbox allows the user to indicate to the system to duplicate or not the routes, considering the above timeline horizon and logistic areas.

Important: duplicating routes implies duplicating transport operations.

General rules

(warning) We only duplicate routes with logistic status = In planning or Planned, it means only routes from the planning module

For the operation to be duplicated:

  • We select all the operations existing in the system, according to their horizon, and whatever their logistic status
  • If such an operation is not on a route, we copy it as it is (eventually, adapt its attributes)
  • If such an operation is already on a route
    • If the user does not want to duplicate the routes, then this operation is duplicated and moved to a rejected operation (eventually adapt its attributes)
    • If the user wants to duplicate the routes
      • The route of the operation is in the planning module, then duplicate it as it is
      • The route of the operation is in the execution module, then duplicate it as a rejected operation (eventually adapt its attributes)

(warning) If a route to duplicate contains operations which are not duplicated (out of the horizon for instance), then the system should enforce the duplication of these operations.

(warning) On the contrary, if an operation to duplicate refers to a route not duplicated (out of the horizon for instance), then the system won't duplicate this route but will still duplicate this operation and move it to a rejected operation.

General management rules on Data & Constraints and Tactical planning modules


All the available actions are those defined in the Administration module, menu Tactical / Actions