Versions Compared


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Table of Contents

For a reminder, AXIODIS MIA conector connector is able to support a lot of formats to be interfaced with 3rd systems as for instance :


  • Logistic sites and constraints
  • Products and constraints
  • Ressources Resources (drivers, trucks, trailers, ...) and constraints
  • Transport operations
  • ...


  • Those streams are automatically deployed and proposed in the Axiodis standard installation
  • Those streams are build to import CSV files (easy to build from and with an Excel file)
  • A macro is provided to convert files automatically in CSV format for AXIODIS (for instance when built with Excel)
  • The "xmlXML" file correspond corresponds to the MIA stream automatically deployed on Axiodis Server by the installer ("...\Axiodis6\Installation_Name\data\mia\flux" by default)
  • The "xlsm" file correspond corresponding to the template of the file to use to import data (from another excel file for instance) with a legend describing how to use it 


Standard streams download


Please visit the /wiki/spaces/APT/pages/574226516 to download the standard streams and tutorial.

Standard streams description


01 - Import LOGISTIC AREASLogistic areasStandard CSV stream to import logistic areas in AxiodisCSV MIA stream
02 - Import LOGISTIC PROFILESLogistic sitesStandard CSV stream to import logistic profiles in AxiodisCSV MIA stream
03 - Import LOGISTIC PROFILES CHARACTERISTICSLogistic sitesStandard CSV stream to import logistic profiles characteristics in AxiodisCSV MIA stream
04 - Import TIME PROFILESLogistic sitesStandard CSV stream to import time profiles in AxiodisCSV MIA stream
05 - Import PRODUCTS FAMILIESProductsStandard CSV stream to import product families in AxiodisCSV MIA stream
06 - Import PRODUCTSProductsStandard CSV stream to import products in AxiodisCSV MIA stream
07 - Import SITES GROUPSLogistic sitesStandard CSV stream to import sites groups in AxiodisCSV MIA stream stream
08 - Import SITESLogistic sitesStandard CSV stream to import logistic sites in AxiodisCSV MIA stream
09 - Import LOGISTIC SITES AREASLogistic sitesStandard CSV stream to import the logistic areas of the sites into AxiodisCSV MIA stream
10 - Import PROVIDERSResourcesStandard CSV stream to import providers in AxiodisCSV MIA stream
10 11 - Import VEHICLE TYPOLOGIESResourcesStandard CSV stream to import vehicle typlogies in AxiodisCSV MIA stream
11 12 - Import VEHICLE TYPOLOGIES CHARACTERISTICSResourcesStandard CSV stream to import vehicle typlogies characteristics in AxiodisCSV MIA stream
12 13 - Import TRUCKSResourcesStandard CSV stream to import trucks in AxiodisCSV MIA stream
13 14 - Import TRUCKS AREASResourcesStandard CSV stream to import trucks logistic areas in AxiodisCSV MIA stream
14 15 - Import DRIVERSResourcesStandard CSV stream to import drivers in AxiodisCSV MIA stream
15 16 - Import DRIVERS AREASResourcesStandard CSV stream to import drivers logistic areas in AxiodisCSV MIA stream
16 17 - Import TRAILERSResourcesStandard CSV stream to import trailers in AxiodisCSV MIA stream
17 18 - Import TRAILERS AREASResourcesStandard CSV stream to import trailers logistic areas in AxiodisCSV MIA stream
18 19 - Import TRANSPORT OPERATIONSTransport operationsStandard CSV stream to import transport operations in AxiodisCSV MIA stream
19 20 - Import TOs CHARACTERISTICSTransport operationsStandard CSV stream to import transport operation characteristics in AxiodisCSV MIA stream
20 21 - Import TRUCKS + TYPOLOGIESResourcesStandard CSV stream to import trucks and typologies in Axiodis LiteCSV MIA stream
21 22 - Import ORDERS + SITESGlobal streamStandard CSV stream to import Transport Operations, Sites and Products in Axiodis LiteCSV MIA stream
22 - Import DRIVER CALENDARSResourcesStandard XLS file to import drivers calendars in AxiodisXLS local file
23 - Import TRUCK CALENDARSResourcesStandard XLS file to import trucks calendars in AxiodisXLS local file
24 - Import TRAILER CALENDARSResourcesStandard XLS file to import trailers calendars in AxiodisXLS local file
99 - Import ROUTE TEMPLATERoute templateStandard CSV stream to import route template in AxiodisCSV MIA stream


Menu options to import data in Axiodis


In "Data and Constraints" module, an option is available in each screen to import data from a standard csv CSV stream by selecting the corresponding file (logistics areas, logistics sites, products, drivers, trucks, ...).