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This document This page describes how to handle free user-defined informations on data in Axiodis grids.

Table of Contents


User-defined informations management


  1. Option  to handle free user-defined informations
  2. Dedicated grid and options to handle free handle user-defined informations (create, delete, sort, …)
  3. Each free Each user-defined information can be defined with a specific format type (string, integer, float, boolean, date/hour, …)
  4. Each free user-defined information can be defined with restrictions (no :
    • No restrictions with free values
    , restricted
    • Restricted values from a free list
    • Restricted values from a predefined information list
    , …)


    • (see "Predefined informations" screen in Data and Constraints module)

User-defined informations display


  1. Free User-defined informations are displayed in a specific tab
  2. Values can be updated according to the data type (string, integer, float, boolean, date/hour, …)
  3. Values can be deleted
  4. Click on « Validation » button to validate updates on free on button Image Added to validate updates on user-defined informations (or « Cancel » button to cancel updates on free informations)button Image Added to cancel updates on user-defined informations