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This page describes how to use Simulation environments in Axiodis and corresponding key points.


  • If the current environment is the operational environment, then the system shows all the module according to the license,
  • If the current environment is a simulation environment, then the system shows only Data & Constraints and Planning modules,


Simulation environments management must be activated in the license to be used

WEB portal


Once the user is connected, a new combo-box is available within the WEB portal. This combo-box contains all the simulation environments allowed to the current user.


(warning) We only duplicate routes with logistic status = In planning or Planned, it means only routes from the planning module


  • We select all the operations existing in the system, according to their horizon, and whatever their logistic status
  • If such an operation is not on a route, we copy it as it is (eventually, adapt its attributes)
  • If such an operation is already on a route
    • If the user does not want to duplicate the routes, then this operation is duplicate duplicated and moved to a rejected operation (eventually adapt its attributes)
    • If the user wants to duplicate the routes
      • The route of the operation is in the planning module, then duplicate it as it is
      • The route of the operation is in the execution module, then duplicate it as a rejected operation (eventually adapt its attributes)


All the available actions are those defined in the Administration module, menu Tactical / Actions