
 Note: This tutorial has been made with SQL databases. Please adapt your actions if you use a different database type.


1/ Launch SQL Server Management Studio.

2/ Click on "New query".

3/ Copy and past the script "01 Datawarehouse main database creation" in SQL Server Management Studio and replace DATAWAREHOUSE_NAME (don't replace the punctuation marks) by the desired name for your datawarehouse database.


Please visit the /wiki/spaces/APT/pages/574226516 to download the AxiodisBI creation scripts.

4/ Click on "Execute". You should have a confirmation message "Command(s) completed successfully".


1/ Always in SQL Server Management Studio, click again on "New query" to open a new request tab.

2/ Copy and paste the script "02 SpagoBI cache database creation" in SQL Server Management Studio and replace SPAGOBI_DATABASE_NAME (don't replace the punctuation marks) by the desired name for your datawarehouse database.


Please visit the /wiki/spaces/APT/pages/574226516 to download the AxiodisBI creation scripts.

3/ Click on "Execute". You should have a confirmation message "Command(s) completed successfully".


1/ Add the following _DataSources.xml content in the existing one in:

C:\Program Files\Optilogistic\Axiodis6\...\data\mia\flux


Be careful to update the target database for the datasources

Code Block
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <dataSources> <dataSource code="Axiodis" type="Axiodis"> <dateModification>10/08/2016 09:48:32</dateModification> <modifieur><![CDATA[nbarreau]]></modifieur> <libelle><![CDATA[Connecteur Axiodis 6]]></libelle> <description><![CDATA[Accès au connecteur API de la suite AXIODIS 6]]></description> <login><![CDATA[MIA]]></login> <password><![CDATA[F0BFXmENlh5xe673ojkdUA==]]></password> <locale><![CDATA[fr]]></locale> <timezone><![CDATA[Europe/Paris]]></timezone> </dataSource> <dataSource code="Infocentre" type="DataBase"> <dateModification>24/10/2017 12:52:40</dateModification> <modifieur><![CDATA[lgirard]]></modifieur> <libelle><![CDATA[Base infocentre Axiodis 6]]></libelle> <description><![CDATA[Base de données infocentre d'Axiodis 6.]]></description> <type><![CDATA[SQLServer]]></type> <url><![CDATA[jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://GCSQL01:1533]]></url> <username><![CDATA[REC_V6_STABLE_IC1]]></username> <password><![CDATA[Pmi1X6Svp9/6LdSlat+Sp2FvdBchDDay]]></password> <databaseName><![CDATA[REC_V6_STABLE_IC1]]></databaseName> <schema><![CDATA[dbo]]></schema> <timezone><![CDATA[Europe/Paris]]></timezone> </dataSource> <dataSource code="AxiodisDB" type="DataBase"> <dateModification>25/04/2018 10:10:14</dateModification> <modifieur><![CDATA[system]]></modifieur> <libelle></libelle> <description></description> <type><![CDATA[SQLServer]]></type> <url><![CDATA[jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://GCSQL01:1533]]></url> <username><![CDATA[REC_V6_STABLE_AX1]]></username> <password><![CDATA[Pmi1X6Svp98AfE+ZFONPkGFvdBchDDay]]></password> <databaseName><![CDATA[REC_V6_STABLE_AX1]]></databaseName> <schema><![CDATA[dbo]]></schema> <timezone><![CDATA[Europe/Paris]]></timezone> </dataSource> </dataSources>

2/ Add the AxiodisBI streams in the MIA streams directory:

C:\Program Files\Optilogistic\Axiodis6\...\data\mia\flux


Please visit the /wiki/spaces/APT/pages/574226516 to download the AxiodisBI streams.

3/ In Axiodis, check settings and change them in needed.

Initial settings:

IC-STD-01.xml → Launch once per day at 12:30 am.

IC-STD-02.xml → Launch once per day at 12:15 am.

IC-STD-03.xml → Launch every 2 hours.


You can launch those streams manually (one by one and each time wait for the end of the execution) to populate datawarehouse database the first time.
