1/ Add the following _DataSources.xml content in the existing one in: C:\Program Files\Optilogistic\Axiodis6\...\data\mia\flux Info |
Be careful to not duplicate existing datasources. |
Code Block |
linenumbers | true |
collapse | true |
| <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<dataSource code="Axiodis" type="Axiodis">
<dateModification>10/08/2016 09:48:32</dateModification>
<libelle><![CDATA[Connecteur Axiodis 6]]></libelle>
<description><![CDATA[Accès au connecteur API de la suite AXIODIS 6]]></description>
<dataSource code="Infocentre" type="DataBase">
<dateModification>24/10/2017 12:52:40</dateModification>
<libelle><![CDATA[Base infocentre Axiodis 6]]></libelle>
<description><![CDATA[Base de données infocentre d'Axiodis 6.]]></description>
<dataSource code="AxiodisDB" type="DataBase">
<dateModification>25/04/2018 10:10:14</dateModification>
2/ Add the following streams in the MIA streams directory: C:\Program Files\Optilogistic\Axiodis6\...\data\mia\flux
| IC-STD-01.xml → Export standard data for Axiodis datawharehouse IC-STD-02.xml → Build event routes data for current day-1 IC-STD-03.xml → Export routes data for Axiodis datawharehouse |
3/ In Axiodis, check settings and change them in needed. Initial settings: IC-STD-01.xml → Launch once per day at 12:30 am. IC-STD-02.xml → Launch once per day at 12:15 am. IC-STD-03.xml → Launch every 2 hours.
Info |
You can launch those streams manually (one by one and each time wait for the end of the execution) to populate datawarehouse database the first time. |
| Image Added
Start the Tomcat server. You can now use the reporting tool !