
If your version is or later, please skip this step.

1/ Open the file C:\Program Files\Optilogistic\Axiodis6\...\tomcat\conf\bi\context.xml

and copy in C:\Program Files\Optilogistic\Axiodis6\...\tomcat\conf\context.xml all missing lines and only them.


There is two different files called "context.xml":

C:\Program Files\Optilogistic\Axiodis6\...\tomcat\conf\bi\context.xml → Temporary file with setup variables for the reporting tool.

C:\Program Files\Optilogistic\Axiodis6\...\tomcat\conf\context.xml → The target file. Setup configuration will be in it. 

Code Block
titleExample of code to add to the target context.xml file
<!-- BI main datasource -->
<Environment name="bi_resource_path" type="java.lang.String" value="${catalina.home}/../bi"/>
<Environment name="bi_sso_class" type="java.lang.String" value="it.eng.spagobi.services.common.FakeSsoService"/>
<!--<Environment name="bi_sso_class" type="java.lang.String" value="it.eng.spagobi.services.cas.CasSsoService3"/>-->
<Environment name="bi_service_url" type="java.lang.String" value="http://#{HOSTNAME}:8080/bi"/>
<Environment name="bi_host_url" type="java.lang.String" value="http://#{HOSTNAME}:8080"/>
<!--# Define the global hibernate dialect to be used for the main JNDI Datasource -->
<Environment name="jdbc/bi_dialect" type="java.lang.String" value="org.hibernate.dialect.HSQLDialect"/>
<Environment name="jdbc/bi_cache_dialect" type="java.lang.String" value="org.hibernate.dialect.SQLServerDialect"/>
<!--TODO: Currently the JBPM, cache and quartz are REQUIRED to be on SqlServer Database!-->

<!--This is the main schema portable database-->
<Resource name="jdbc/axio-bi" auth="Container"
type="javax.sql.DataSource" driverClassName="org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver"
username="sa" password="" maxTotal="64" maxIdle="8"
maxWaitMillis="-1" validationQuery="select 1 from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.SYSTEM_USERS"/>
<!--This is where the BI extract, trasform, load and store the big data-->
<Resource name="jdbc/axio-bi-cache" auth="Container"
type="javax.sql.DataSource" driverClassName="com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver"
username="#{CACHE_DB_USERNAME}" password="#{CACHE_DB_PASSWD}" maxTotal="64" maxIdle="8" maxWaitMillis="-1"/>
<!--This is where the BI reads the real time data coming unaggregaged from the axiodis database-->
<Resource name="jdbc/axio-bi-operational" auth="Container"
type="javax.sql.DataSource" driverClassName="com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver"
username="#{AXIODIS_DB_USERNAME}" password="#{AXIODIS_DB_PASSWD}" maxTotal="64" maxIdle="8" maxWaitMillis="-1"/>
<!--This is where the BI reads the MIA flux aggregaged data from the Infocenter database-->
<Resource name="jdbc/axio-bi-reporting" auth="Container"
type="javax.sql.DataSource" driverClassName="com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver"
username="#{INFOCENTER_DB_USERNAME}" password="#{INFOCENTER_DB_PASSWD}" maxTotal="64" maxIdle="8" maxWaitMillis="-1"/>

<Resource name="wm/BiWorkManager" auth="Container"
type="commonj.work.WorkManager" factory="de.myfoo.commonj.work.FooWorkManagerFactory" maxThreads="8"/>

If your version is or later, please skip this step.

2/ Paste them just after the tag  <Context containerSciFilter=""> in the target file.

3/ Setup the database accesses in the target context.xml file. You have to replace some variables in the file (look at the list on the right).

You have three database accesses to setup:

  1. axio-bi-operational → The Axiodis main database with all datas.
  2. axio-bi-reporting → The Axiodis datawarehouse database. Contains datas to build reportings.
  3. axio-bi-cache → The Reporting tool database, used to stock reports and settings from the reporting tool.

List of variables to replace:

#{HOSTNAME} → Axiodis server hostname

Ex: gcrec02.optilogistic.dom

#{CACHE_HOSTNAME} → Cache database hostname

Ex: gcsql01

#{CACHE_HOSTPORT} → Cache database hostport number

Ex: 1533

titleHow to find your hostport number ?


#{CACHE_DB} → Cache database name


#{CACHE_DB_USERNAME} → Cache database username


#{CACHE_DB_PASSWD} → Cache database password

#{AXIODIS_HOSTNAME} → Axiodis main database hostname

Ex: gcsql01

#{AXIODIS_HOSTPORT} → Axiodis main database hostport number

#{AXIODIS_DB} → Axiodis main database name


#{AXIODIS_DB_USERNAME} → Axiodis main database username


#{AXIODIS_DB_PASSWD} → Axiodis main database password

#{INFOCENTER_HOSTNAME} → Axiodis datawarehouse database hostname

Ex: gcsql01

#{INFOCENTER_HOSTPORT} → Axiodis datawarehouse database hosport number

#{INFOCENTER_DB} → Axiodis datawarehouse name


#{INFOCENTER_DB_USERNAME} → Axiodis datawarehouse database username

#{INFOCENTER_DB_PASSWD} → Axiodis datawarehouse database password

4/ In C:\Program Files\Optilogistic\Axiodis6\...\tomcat\conf\logging.properties add the following line if missing:

No Format
org.apache.jasper.servlet.TldScanner.level = SEVERE

5/ In C:\Program Files\Optilogistic\Axiodis6\...\conf\axio.remote.properties add the following line:

No Format

Replace #{HOSTNAME} by the Axiodis server hostname (see step 3).

6/ In C:\Program Files\Optilogistic\Axiodis6\...\tomcat\conf\server.xml add the following line:

No Format

7/ In C:\Program Files\Optilogistic\Axiodis6\...\apache\conf\httpd.conf add the following line:

No Format
JkMount /bi* axiodisWorker

Image Added

Add MIA streams to populate the Datawarehouse database
