Table of Contents

For reminder, AXIODIS MIA conector is able to support a lot of formats to be interfaced with 3rd systems as for instance :


  • Those streams are automatically deployed and proposed in the Axiodis standard installation
  • Those streams are build to import CSV files (easy to build from and with an Excel file)
  • A macro is provided to convert files automatically in CSV format for AXIODIS (for instance when built with Excel)
  • The "xml" file correspond to the MIA stream automatically deployed on Axiodis Server by the installer ("...\Axiodis6\Installation_Name\data\mia\flux" by default)
  • The "xlsm" file correspond to the template of file to use to import data (from another excel file for instance) with a legend describing how to use it 


Standard streamsAxiodis ReleaseComments
Axiodis CSV standard streams v6. "xlm" files (MIA streams) and "xlsm" files (templates files to import data from Excel) "xlm" files (MIA streams) and "xlsm" files (templates files to import data from Excel)

Standard streams description


In "Data and Constraints" module, an option is available in each screen to import data from a standard csv stream by selecting the corresponding file (logistics areas, logistics sites, products, drivers, trucks, ...).