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This page describes how to build new reports inĀ Reporting module for Axiodis and / or customize existing report.


IC_D_DRIVERDimension table about driversDimension
IC_D_LOGISTIC_AREADimension table about logistics areasDimension
IC_D_OPERATIONDimension table about transport operationsDimension
IC_D_PRODUCTDimension table about productsDimension
IC_D_PROVIDERDimension table about providersDimension
IC_D_ROUTEDimension table about routesDimension
IC_D_SEQUENCEDimension table about sequencesDimension
IC_D_SITEDimension table about sitesDimension
IC_D_TRAILERDimension table about trailersDimension
IC_D_TRUCKDimension table about trucksDimension
IC_M_OPERATIONMeasure table about transport operationsMeasure
IC_M_ROUTEMeasure table about routesMeasure
IC_M_SEQUENCEMeasure table about sequencesMeasure
IC_D_ROUTE_INVOLVED_PROVIDERS Dimension table to store all the involved providers fo the routesDimension
IDIC_D_ROUTE_VALORIZED_PROVIDERSDimension table to store all the valorized providers of the routesDimension


Update IC + MIA streams if necessary