Info | ||
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- If current environment is the operational environment, then the system shows all the module according to the licence,
- If current environment is a simulation environment, then the system shows only Data & Contraints and Planning modules,
Info |
Simulation environments management must be activated in the licence to be used. |
WEB portal
Once the user is connected, a new combo-box is available within the WEB portal. This combo-box contains all the simulation environments allowed to the current user.
The RCP platform is always open for 1 and only 1 environment. We will see below how to swapp from one environment to another.
The administration module is available only within the operational environment, according to the authorization authorizations if the current connected user.
Authorizations profiles
Some new authorizations are available, visible according to the licence:
- Environments consultation : allows the user to access the environment management window
- Environments creation : allows the connected user to create new simulation environments within the system
- Environments modification : allows the connected user to modify simulation environments
- Environments deletion : allows the connected user to delete simulation environments
Also some new authorizations in order to manage the actions in the Planning module (so-called Tactical Planning module), when the user is connected to a simulation environment (but not for the operational environment).
Tactical actions
According to its authorizations, the connected user can add, modify or delete the standard action for the Tactical Planning module.
User definition
According to its authorizations, the connected user can modify its user scope, in order to use another tactical actions profile.
Environments management window
Data & Constraints