This page describes how to use dual crew management feature in Axiodis and corresponding key points.
Table of Contents
Manage dual crew constraints for the system to be able to take into account if an attendant is necessary for the route realization and depending on different constraints (products requirement, sites requirements, ...).
- "Products / Products families" for triggering a double crew on a quantity constraint on a route
- "Logistic sites / Logistic profiles" for trigering a double crew on a quantity constraint on site
Triggering a double crew on a quantity constraint on a route
This group of fields is used to indicate the limit from which, for a family of products, an attendant must be triggered on a route. This limit can be defined on one or more types of units :
- Weight unit
- Volume unit
- Handle unit
Trigering a double crew on a quantity constraint on site
A field can be displayed in routes grids to precise if the route need an attendant or not (and which kind of attendant) :
- None
- Attendant
- Driver